Monday, July 20, 2014
Yes its true!!! We had 2 baptisms this week and im way happy for it! I was able to baptize little "M". He is 8 years old and is really smart! It was a fun experience and i didnt even mess up the baptism prayer in portuguese! Such a good experience for me. And no I wasnt trying to look like a superhero in the picture. Its just how it turned out. haha. His moms name is "R".
So i would like to explain a little about the pizza here. ITS AWFUL. They havent found out how to put sauce on it so it like eating straight cheese. or straight meat. I really miss american. haha. But its all good. They make up for it by putting chocolate in the crust. Kinda like we put cheese in the crust. It makes for a weird twist but something to look forward to at the end of the pizza!
We had a divisão this week. or a companion exchange. I was with the district leader cause he needed to interview the 2 people for baptisms. I learned a lot from him and he is a way chill guy. The only problem with the exchange is that i was now the senior companion cause its my area. so... i had this map and addresses and tried my best not to get lost. Fortunately we did pretty good. Marked a baptism date and got 2 new investigators. He also broke my window. haha. He had an umbrella but didnt know that it extended when you push the button.. so.. he was pointing it at the window and it broke. Thanks to duck tape its fixed ;)
Feijoada. look it up. Had it twice this week and its the heaviest food i have eaten. Its almost like uncooked but cooked meat (all sorts) with beans and rice. Its not bad but if i have more of it i will explode haha.

beans with beef and pork
This week was pretty hard for me. i am way home sick. Which didnt happen in the CTM or last week. Only this week. I hear music, or people ask about home and its just hard. I know that satan beats on us most when something good is going to happen so i just need to buckle up and take the hits. I am trying my hardest to work hard.
My thought for this week: in the book, as a man thinketh, there are many ideas. One of the ideas is that whatever you think, you are. Your thoughts lead to your actions. (proverbs 23:7) Well because we are all trying to be like Christ we also need to try to think like christ would. Something that I have been working on this week. I also challenge you to do as well.
with love and thanks,
Elder Sullivan
My address:
Rua Rui Batista Pereira, 165
Jardim Caxingui
São Paulo - SP
CEP: 05517-080
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