Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Aug 18, 2014

This is the end of the first transfer! Its been a fun time and I´ve learned a lot!

Stuff to talk about this time. The weather. No really. The weather. I dont know if you guys follow the weather here but its absolutely crazy. It went like this. hot, hot, hot, rainy, windy, super cold, hot in the morning cold at night, hot. and it's winter..... 

Something happened on the rainy day... I found a nice little secret that my shoes were hiding from me! They have a hole in the bottom where the rubber wore off. I dont drag my feet, sometimes i trip, but this road here is really rocky cause of the hills. So.... i dont know what to do. Its not really a big hole but I´ll send pics. I am thinking of just putting some calk in it. But i dont know where to find it. (the 85$ shoes mom)

Today we went to Irmã Fatima´s and learned how to make rice and beans! They were really good! She owns a restaurant and volunteered to help us out. So when i get home I will show you guys how a brazillian eats ;)

Recently I feel like I´ve been training myself. Kinda a bummer but I kinda do that anyways when I was home. Sometimes though I´d like some insight from him too.

We had another baptism this Sunday!! Tat. was baptized and she was so happy she did. She is the niece of Ro. from the first of my baptisms and she too has a daughter who is only 6. She is really sad cause she too wants to be baptized. And she wants me to do it! Too bad I wont be in this area in 18 months haha.

We didnt go proselyting yesterday. We got a call that said no proselyting and stay in your house. I was kinda excited cause something crazy was happening. Turns out we just had a general preisthood meeting that was going on. 

I got to decorate my planejamento! (planner). It has Captain Moroni and Jesus being baptized! Some good pics for a mission I think. I´ll see if I cant get pics out today.

My Zone and the craziness they are.

Thanks for the love and support I get from you guys. Always praying and thinking of you!

with love,

Elder Kyson Sullivan

Crazy landlord wearing a pair of XXXL shorts the guys found in the apt.

(more pics coming later after him mom figures out how and finds time to do it all. They will be posted in July posts.)

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