Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sept. 14, 2015 another baptism

          One more? why not? (baptism)

This week we finished out the family that we were working with. Francielle joined the rest of the family in getting baptized on saturday :) Pretty awesome! The baptismal service was good. we tried singing again but it didnt have the same effect. (She asked us to. we arent that big headed haha) anyway.. cool week.

On tuesday we had our PDAY. it really wasnt that great but we went to the MTC to be a part of a broadcast to all of brazil made by the brazil presdiency and they wanted a lot of missionaries there. so We went and they just talked to potential missionaries and was a waste of our time. we spent the whole day there and on buses. Super boring...

We are working with one more family that should be getting baptized here shortly. Their names are lil and Jos. José is 9 years old and lil is his mom. We have been teaching them since my first week here and we have helped her get over her depression. well.. make progress at least. She is reading the BoM and the gosple principles book. She always has a good question and i think we are getting to the end of all of them. We want to baptize her in a river.... lets try to find a clean one right? haha

this is a picture of a dog in a river. looks like he is bloated. we thought about doing it in this river but decided otherwise. oh and by the way in this river we have found many things. a TV, a bucket, lots of soda bottles. i think i saw part of a dresser floating by one day too. pretty cool stuff here :) 

anyway so we may need to go out quite a bit to find a river that is clean... but we´ll keep looking. 

We went to a park today to play basketball and volleyball. i practiced tumbling a bit cause its been about 6 months since ive tried and i was able to do a standing tuck and a Round Off 3x BackHandSprings back tuck. im so happy i havent lost it. even though im a little fat. ;)

anyway have a good week. we´ll talk again here in 7. 
Elder Kyson Sullivan

pics of the Baptism!

Clima Local
Taboao Da Serra, Sao Paulo

Temperatura Atual: 68°F 20°C 
Set 14
Set 15
Set 16
Set 17
Set 18

today has been a blessing :) the end of this week will suck.... 

some birds that attacked us for getting too close to their babies...... at the park today

thats an owl. not something you would see every day haha

this rain sure made it hard to work this week. but São Paulo sure is needing it. 

my companion with a puppy :)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sept.7, 2015 We made 'em CRY!

          Living it up in Pirajussara "A"

Well what a great week! Most of the week was spent running around planning one of the BEST baptismal services ive ever participated in :) With a week of preparation its nuts what 2 missionaries can come up with. We helped plan out the speakers and the hymns with the family. Then we went and cleaned and filled up the font while we practiced our special musical number. Yup. We sang "I like to look for Rainbows" in portuguese and then in english and it turned out pretty good :) Well.. i would think so cause the congregation was crying afterwards... maybe it was just really bad... haha Afterwards a bunch of the sisters in the ward made cake and brought juice for everyone that went. The meeting was super spiritual and we had a lot of fun doing it. :) 

The family we baptized is a mom, her sister, and her daughter. the other daughter will be baptized this saturday and we will have to try to do another one of these cool meetings for her too! She wasnt really quite sure that she wanted to go through with it so when she went into the interview i told her she would recieve her answer. she passed the interview but didnt fell like she had gotten her answer. Elder thomas who is a boss gave her a blessing and told her if she prayed that night she would get it. She got it :) Super great and she will be blessed for that! 

We had a leadership counsel in the mission and we were all burned for not doing contacts when the lord is blessing us with baptisms so all our baptisms fall in the next months. so ya that was great. we had a good training for the zone the next day with a cool practice about the importance of using the Book of Mormon while you teach. This week was good and a bunch of people came to church. :) I am loving this area!!!! :) 

Love all you guys!
Elder Kyson Sullivan

a little more of the great são paulo for you guys :)

Leadership counsel :)

the red smoke of polution. haha jk.   just a cool sunset!

Clima Local
Liberdade, Sao Paulo

Temperatura Atual: 72°F 22°C 
Set 07
Set 08
Set 09
Set 10
Set 11

WHOOOOOO!!!!!!! WINTER GOT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

check out this cat :)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Aug. 31, 2015 we killed the record

         Weather from satan.

Not super excited for summer to come around.

Current Temp: 73°F 23°C 
Aug 31
Sep 01
Sep 02
Sep 03
Sep 04

         1 year a bit.

This week was pretty chill. We didnt really have a lot of success during the week until about friday when we went to do contacts at the temple. We have a contest to see who can get more addresses during the 10-5 time period we have. the record was 148. we destroyed it with 195. I was going crazy and gettin everyones addresses and their neighbors and all the other people they know. It was fun. but after trying to convince over 173 people myself my voice couldnt take it anymore. this picture is sent to the whole mission. :) 

We had a lot of people come to church this week! 7!!!!  3 - 5 are thinking of getting wet on sunday :) we just have to keep praying!!! Super cool to see these people progressing. One of the ladies (Katia) got her response at church and came over to us and told us that she wants to get baptized. she has 2 other daughter and 2 sisters that also can be baptized. we are working with all of them. Super cool that they are ready :) 

thats all for this week! thanks for the support and the love!

Elder Kyson Sullivan

Aug. 24, 2015 found a "kidnapped" old woman and pictures of flavela


Temperatura Atual: 63°F 17°C 
Ago 24
Ago 25
Ago 26
Ago 27
Ago 28

Im seeing long sleeve shirts for a couple days :) :) i love the cold!!!!

Ya this week was pretty rough for us on the trunkiness. (trunky: to be homesick/want to go home/talk about home a lot/ready to leave) Elder Baird just left to go home yesterday. Elder Phair, my companion, will go home on the 6th of october. so ya everyone here is saying bye and talking about how it will be when they get home and so being here with them its going well. ;)

We had the privilege to have Elder Andersen come and speak to us. I was excited for the English burning but he did it in Portuguese. Yes he knows Portuguese and Spanish and french as well. Ok well it was spanguese. but still it was super cool. We talked about the atonement and about how we can help our investigators as well as ourselves with this great act of love. It was super spiritual and we all loved it. 

On Sunday we had 5 people go to church and one we didn't really plan on taking but we just stopped by her house on the way and she said that she´d go super quickly. We got to church and we had a good time. Setembro should be a really good month for us. and its also Phair´s last month (are you seeing this trunkiness?) Anyway after church this lady went home without saying bye or anything so she just left and we thought she had found her way home. but we found her on the road completely lost... haha. we called a member to give us a ride home cause she is old and was really tired of being lost. plus the hot sun didn't help. so we took her home and outside of her house there was a bunch of people in white looking around and yelling her name. we got out of the car and she did too and everyone ran over and started talking to us. They thought that she was stolen and we just said that we took her to church with us and her son (who is like 40) knew she went. from 10 til 130 they were all looking for her and her family was crying and this dude was just sitting not saying anything to anyone and watching it all. So that was fun. That church is called macumba/banda. they were all in all white and they worship saints and spirits and stuff. its dark stuff and we think she is usually involved in it. When the people told her that she needed to tell someone if she was going to leave she said"im a grown woman i don't need to tell anyone" haha. she really liked  our church :)


Jose was confirmed today. She is going to be a good member :)

this is a passion fruit and a papaya. in portuguese its called maracuja and mamão. 

this is my plate of fruit that i made some really good natural juice. Mamão, manga, e abacaxi! (papaya, mango, pineapple)

that grayish blur in the background isnt just the pollution but its a favela. basically the ghetto. pretty chill :)

A little taste of the houses here with a nice back drop of the city

ladies and gentlemen... my companion. "I cant believe you guys have never done this before" - Elder Phair

He´s pretty cool i guess.

I pulled a rabbit with a pizza out of a hat for our #doublepurposepizzaparty :) (those clothes were found in our house....)

welcome to zion. (my area)

selfie to going ham! VAI PRESUNTO! (mom has no idea what this means...)

Have a good week everyone!! I love you all!

Elder Kyson Sullivan